Sunday, May 26, 2013

Blueberry Raised Beds Part 2

Seven boxes are finished. We realized that the seven won't all fit in one row (because I want to space them according to their full grown size). So we're splitting the row into two, and of course, we want them to be off to purchase one more blueberry. Thanks Craigslist, we found a Bluecrop to bring home!

Today we're putting together the last box and filling with dirt. We're (aka-husband) removing the sod and digging about 12" just to loosen the soil underneath (even though blueberries have shallow roots).

So...I can't measure! I really want enough room for a 4 foot pathway between full grown bushes...duh! That means TEN feet inbetween the rows! First photo...four feet between. Second photo...ten feet between. Hooray for recalculations!

We put in composted soil and lots of's hoping these guys are happy!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Blueberry Raised Beds Part 1

We decided to do 2'x2'x10" raised beds for the blueberries. I like the idea of having a little protection from the weedeater for a few years and it helps direct the watering, too.

Have I mentioned these projects always take longer than expected?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Raspberry Raised Beds Part 3

We did it!

Wow, what a huge job. I always minimize in my imagination how long a project will take. From researching the project to shopping for materials to building and planting, this took WAY more time and money than I expected!

But it looks GREAT! Lots of peat moss should give these raspberries a lovely acidic environment in which to flourish. I'm SO excited to see what kind of fruit we get through the summer and into the fall. I don't have a clue what varieties may grow because the lady we got them from didn't know. I like to know, but in this case, I'll have to waive my love of nomenclature for another time.

We also planted Hamamelis x intermedia 'Pallida', thanks to Sweet Boy for digging the hole. I got it balled and burlapped at my favorite nursery for 50% off a few weeks ago! One of my favorite plants, I love the winter blooms and branching pattern, the gorgeous leathery leaves in the summer and beautiful fall color.

Part One of "Raspberry Raised Beds" is HERE.
Part Two of "Raspberry Raised Beds" is HERE.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Raspberry Raised Beds Part 2

Ah! All three boxes are done and almost filled with soil. I took the raspberries out of their plastic baggies and watered them. After receiving a gift card to Home Depot for my birthday, we installed the metal fence posts.  Once the boxes were in place, we could tell we only needed eight posts. I think this is going to work!

Part One of "Raspberry Raised Beds" is HERE.
Part Three of "Raspberry Raised Beds" is HERE.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Afternoon Workout

I look at the side of the garden shed everyday! The pale yellow wall always draws my eye when I look out the dining room or kitchen or even the back door. Time to make that view gorgeous!

I love all-white garden themes and couldn't resist one for this shady spot. We found some scalloped concrete edging along the side of the house for a no-dig bed. There's a stump, which will disappear behind the fern and astilbe, but provides root protection for the clematis. Hydrangea and my favorite Patriot hosta with an unidentified daylily (I'm thinking it is a sprout from the big house, probably Stella) and a cute lemon thyme in the full sun spot at the end. There's room for something else against the back right...thinking. TEN cubic feet of soil later, it is lovely!

I didn't take photos, but I filled the raspberry raised bed (ugh) with a bale of peat moss and two bags of soil. I'm using it as a nursery bed, so I tucked all the fresh dug raspberries in the soil until we get the other boxes done next weekend. I'm excited about the raspberries giving us some privacy from the neighbor's garage (not to mention FRESH RASPBERRIES this summer)!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Raspberry Raised Beds Part 1


We've always wanted to grow raspberries! Here we are actually building the raised beds yesterday and this morning we picked up the fresh-dug raspberries from a lady right down the road (thanks to Craigslist)!

Lots of peat moss and soil to stuff into the frames and hopefully planting soon!

We keep mulling over how to do the uprights...we're going to try the 2x2s. We really want to use the heavy-duty metal u-channel fence posts but felt that they were too expensive (we'd need 12 for the three beds). I think we can use heavy gauge wire to give the canes the support they need. I keep collecting ideas for raised beds for raspberries here.

I'm so grateful to Hubs and Sweet Boy for putting together the box and getting it in place while I played cheerleader! Meanwhile, Sunshine Girl saddled up one of the sawhorses and made herself a bridle and stirrups! She's even wearing her cowgirl boots! Giddy up!

Part Two of "Raspberry Raised Beds" is HERE.
Part Three of "Raspberry Raised Beds" is HERE.
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