Monday, April 22, 2013

Afternoon Workout

I look at the side of the garden shed everyday! The pale yellow wall always draws my eye when I look out the dining room or kitchen or even the back door. Time to make that view gorgeous!

I love all-white garden themes and couldn't resist one for this shady spot. We found some scalloped concrete edging along the side of the house for a no-dig bed. There's a stump, which will disappear behind the fern and astilbe, but provides root protection for the clematis. Hydrangea and my favorite Patriot hosta with an unidentified daylily (I'm thinking it is a sprout from the big house, probably Stella) and a cute lemon thyme in the full sun spot at the end. There's room for something else against the back right...thinking. TEN cubic feet of soil later, it is lovely!

I didn't take photos, but I filled the raspberry raised bed (ugh) with a bale of peat moss and two bags of soil. I'm using it as a nursery bed, so I tucked all the fresh dug raspberries in the soil until we get the other boxes done next weekend. I'm excited about the raspberries giving us some privacy from the neighbor's garage (not to mention FRESH RASPBERRIES this summer)!

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