Sunday, April 21, 2013

Raspberry Raised Beds Part 1


We've always wanted to grow raspberries! Here we are actually building the raised beds yesterday and this morning we picked up the fresh-dug raspberries from a lady right down the road (thanks to Craigslist)!

Lots of peat moss and soil to stuff into the frames and hopefully planting soon!

We keep mulling over how to do the uprights...we're going to try the 2x2s. We really want to use the heavy-duty metal u-channel fence posts but felt that they were too expensive (we'd need 12 for the three beds). I think we can use heavy gauge wire to give the canes the support they need. I keep collecting ideas for raised beds for raspberries here.

I'm so grateful to Hubs and Sweet Boy for putting together the box and getting it in place while I played cheerleader! Meanwhile, Sunshine Girl saddled up one of the sawhorses and made herself a bridle and stirrups! She's even wearing her cowgirl boots! Giddy up!

Part Two of "Raspberry Raised Beds" is HERE.
Part Three of "Raspberry Raised Beds" is HERE.

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