Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Finally...The Dome Climber

This is such a big huge hairy deal...we bought this jungle gym (The Dome Climber) about three years ago. It stayed in the three shipping boxes outside on the side of the house-neglected and cardboard disintegrating. We had intended to build up the side yard for a level surface on which to build this structure, even had a wonderful friend design and help dig out the area so we could put wood chips under it. That project never got finished at the old house, in fact, it hung over our heads for years!

In the process of packing to move, my friend Christi and I came upon the dilapidated old boxes chock full of the pieces to build these monkey bars. It was sort of a relief, actually, to open the boxes and repack them into plastic tubs, awaiting the day when they could finally be assembled. It was not a sad thing to leave behind the unfinished project...and now with the pieces happily on their way to a new location, we had hope again that the kids actually might be able to play on it before they bought their first car!

So when John said, "I'm going to put that together this weekend", my heart leapt for joy. In fact, this was the weekend where I had two other commitments, so I wasn't even around to help. Gramma came down for the "fun" and I got to enjoy the two-day process from behind the lens.

What can I say? This thing is FANTASTIC. The kids love it! I'm really glad we went with the biggest one (even though it's huge!) because Dan can hang from it. I think as they get older, they'll still enjoy sitting on top of it or playing fort with it. I think it looks a little like half the Death Star, don't you? A few lightsabers and some good imaginary play is in order!

I love that the kids are outside A LOT! And now this is a destination in the backyard. I can't help but think it might provide an interesting viewpoint over the future garden! All-in-all, I'm so proud of John for completing the task (he really perservered to get it finished Sunday night before dusk) and I'm really glad this project is finally COMPLETED-YAY Honey!!!!!!!

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