Sunday, May 26, 2013

Blueberry Raised Beds Part 2

Seven boxes are finished. We realized that the seven won't all fit in one row (because I want to space them according to their full grown size). So we're splitting the row into two, and of course, we want them to be off to purchase one more blueberry. Thanks Craigslist, we found a Bluecrop to bring home!

Today we're putting together the last box and filling with dirt. We're (aka-husband) removing the sod and digging about 12" just to loosen the soil underneath (even though blueberries have shallow roots).

So...I can't measure! I really want enough room for a 4 foot pathway between full grown bushes...duh! That means TEN feet inbetween the rows! First photo...four feet between. Second photo...ten feet between. Hooray for recalculations!

We put in composted soil and lots of's hoping these guys are happy!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Blueberry Raised Beds Part 1

We decided to do 2'x2'x10" raised beds for the blueberries. I like the idea of having a little protection from the weedeater for a few years and it helps direct the watering, too.

Have I mentioned these projects always take longer than expected?
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